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In the Bag!  

Another project in the bag...well almost...and excuse the pun.

After a miscount due to me crocheting and watching a movie (which wasn't that good) I ended up with a granny triangle not a square, and decided I would make a bag out of it. I made two, lined them then attached a joining part which will hold the straps.

Still not sure whether I like it or not, and I'm realising that everything is beginning with the sunburst circle in the middle... well I like it, and really like the way the puff stitches turn out. The yarn is marble by James C brett, its amazing to work with and so soft, and while knitting up like aran, is quite chunky yet fine to touch.

Anyway, I still have to do the straps and think it'll make a nice wee summer long strapped purse/bag. Its a little like something that Woodstock forgot, but then I'm a hippy at heart :0)

The bag is lined with an old top which I was never going to wear again, and the sides are made from garden string, which was a little weird and tiresome to crochet but its sturdy and will hold the thing together. I'll loop the long parts at the side and stitch them together, then loop whatever strap I make through those loops.


Baby Bonnet  

I tried making a baby hat a few weeks ago, but I had either used the wrong size hook, or yarn, and well, it came out a bit more like a helmet to be honest. It was way to hard to put on a babys head, and just wasn't very comfortable looking at all.

However, this morning, I decided to have another go, and just really made it up as I went along. Starting with 4 chains, joined, chain 3, a row of 11 DC, then puff stitches (12), then DC again, and a row of SC to give it some strength (12). Then just went on with 3 rows of DC, an increase row, increasing every other stitch, (crocheting two DC), another of DC and then dropped a few hook sizes and then increased in every space, which also made a nice edging andgaveit that brim look.

I'm not exactly sure thats the 'proper' way to do it, but I felt like just trying out what I had learned. Its a tad messy and the tension leaves a lot to be desired, but I had fun improvising!


New Project.... I think?  

So I started making a few granny squares with the sunburst pattern in an aran/wool mix my mum bought for me. And, as I was making a few I realised I hadn't actually decided what I was going to make with them! I had been thinking of making myself a nice bag, but with the yarn I'm using, it wouldn't be useful for much, apart from a handy knee-capper in wet weather.

Anyway, as I've been doing a contrasting edging in a marbled aran I also have, I thought it would make a nice blanket, or armchair throw. The marbled wool is gorgeous and really adds a nice detail, as the colors knit up as a stripe, using really autumnal shades of browns, blues and greens.

I'll see how it goes as I continue on. No doubt I'll change my mind again a few times...I'm a woman though, thats my prerogative, right?

Get your blog featured!  

If you have a blog and really want to get it seen, and don't really want to pay through the nose for it, then try Fechr. They're currently featuring blogs for free, and all you need to do is sign up and tell them where you're at!

Happy blogging :0)


Hook Conversion chart  

If you're like me, and often get a bit confused with the amount of different hook sizes there are and especially seeing as there are FOUR different ways of sizing your hooks! Then you might find the hook conversion chart at the bottom of this page quite handy.

Crochet Video Tutorials!  

Although I was taught to knit at an early age, I always wanted to learn how to crochet. But how was I going to learn when no one I knew could? Books seem far too complicated for a beginner, and you don't see much on TV about it these days either.

What a gem I found when I stumbled upon Teresa's page on YouTube !! She has basic video tutorials and often answers questions about anything you might be wondering about crochet in general.

Please pay her a visit if you are a beginner or maybe even want to pick up a few tips and just see how someone else does it.

What is Crochet anyway?  

Ok, well if you are reading this and already know what crochet is and are probably groaning that I've even bothered to post something with this title, then there will be no need for you to read on.

However, if on the other hand, you have stumbled upon this page and have often wondered what the crocheting is, then I have found a great little page which even tells you how to pronounce the word crochet, with a little sound byte for your pleasure too!

Have a great day where ever you are!